Participants & Prize Winners
NESY Young Scientist Awards
An international jury of experts had a very hard task to select out of excellent contributions -talks & posters- NESY Young Scientist…
Download: Lecture Scripts
Please, click on the titel above to be lnked to the download page (will be continuously updated).
The files are only for private use.
Upload: Lecture Scripts…
Details for the Poster Session
Here you find the list of all ACD- and NESY-Posters that will be presented during the Poster-Sessions. The ACD-Poster session is on Sunday afternoon, for the…
General Information
The NESY User Symposium on Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation
will take place in Leoben (Austria), September 29th-30th, 2022
General Information
Click on the announcement…
Registration is closed!
Registration Deadline: January 19, 2024
Registration Informations
You can register as a "contributor" showing results in a talk or a poster, or just as…
Organizing Committee
Rainer T. Lechner, Chair of Physics, MU Leoben Oskar Paris, Chair of Physics, MU Leoben Gerhard Popovski, Chair of Physics, MU Leoben
Heike Noll & Nadine Aichberger,…
Arrival by Car
The address of the school venue is:
JUFA Bad Aussee
Jugendherbergsstraße 148 8990 Bad Aussee Tel: +43 (0)5 / 7083-520 Fax: +43 (0)5 / 7083-521 E-Mail:…