Arrival by Car

The address of the school venue is:

JUFA Bad Aussee

Jugendherbergsstraße 148
8990 Bad Aussee
Tel: +43 (0)5 / 7083-520
Fax: +43 (0)5 / 7083-521
E-Mail: badaussee(at)


Arrival by train

Take the train until the station "Bad Aussee", Austria.

For all train and public transport connections see also: ÖBB-Scotty

From Railway station Bad Aussee to JUFA Bad Aaussee and back:

Take the public Bus 955 to "Bad Aussee - Kurhausplatz/Postamt, and then you have to walk a bit: 10-15 min uphill.

-> see Maps:


However, with lugagge this would be a bit to demanding! Thus, we recomend to use the Salzkammergut Shuttle:

Here, you can order a shuttle 1h in advance. For Bad Ausse you need only the Route 820.
You can order by Phone or by App! From the railyway station it's € 6 per person and route.

You can use this option also for your afternoon trips ...

Shuttle Service

For Bad Ausse you need  only the Route 820.

You can order by Smartphone or by App!